Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This issue happens since some system processes will be using the same port that jboss process are using.
For example 1098 port is used by both jboss rmi process and Internet Explorer.
 To solve this problem
 1)First find out which port is causing the problem. You can see the port name in console on jboss start.
 2)Try to find if the port number is included in Ports under jboss server. If included please edit the value(to something large – 9000 or 9001) as shown in the picture below. Restart server.


Sometime you will not find the port number causing the JVM bind in eclipse jboss server.
Then follow PLAN B
1)First find out which port is causing the problem. You can see the port name in console on jboss start.
2)go to ${jboss-home}\server\default\conf\bindingservice.beans\META-INF.
3)open bindings-jboss-beans.xml.
4)Search for the port number.
5)Change it to something big.Like 9000 or 9001.
6)Start the server
if you don’t want to update the port number. Then follow Plan c
JBoss-5.1 Service Binding Manager (Spring based) provides the centralized location where settings for all services that need to bind to ports can be configured.
It is very simple to configure and change the ports in 2 seconds with out updating anything in the JBoss server.
Please go through the below link.

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